
Thursday 8 April 2021

Apirana Ngata


Supported word work

Response to Text

 Response to Text

  1. Who was the article about? (Full name, and title)

Sir Āpirana Ngata.

  1. When and where was he born?

  2. Te Araroa,East cost.3rd july 1874

  3. Which Iwi was Apirana Ngata most connected to?

Ngāti Porou

  1. What was he the first Maori person to do?

  1. Finish these sentences from the text:

    1. “Apirana dedicated himself to the improvement of… socially, culturally and economically.

  1. “Apirana was a proud Maori, and fought to… to set up businesses after he graduated from university.

C. “...he used these connections to educate himself in… the ways of  European politics and law.

  1. Why do you think it was important for Apirana to educate himself like a European? I am not sure but i think he was a good man and yea.

  1. What do you think motivated him to fight so hard to keep Maori Culture alive?  : so that he can support his Maori Culture and be proud of his Culture.

Who is on our money?

Sir Apirana Ngata