
Friday 17 September 2021

Maui and the Magical Fire

 Response to text:

Maui and the Magical Fire

Highlight the correct answer or write down the appropriate response.

1. Maui is a... 

a) Hemigod b) Demigod

c) Semigod d) Just a normal dude

2. In the story Maui visited every village until...

a) There were no more chickens b) There was no more sunshine

c) There was no more fire d) He stole all their kai

3. Explain why Maui put out all of the fires

→because he wanted to know where fire comes form .

4. True or False: Maui is famous for being a trickster (likes to play jokes)

a) True b) False

5. What is the name of the great goddess in this myth?

a) Mahuika b) Maui

c) Maori    d) Maunganui

6. Explain how fire came back to the humans in the story.

→he had the knowledge  how to make the fire 

7. Why do you think fire is so important to mankind?

→because we need it to see in the dark and cook and that we can keep warm. 

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